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Our customers without a history of pedaling-related knee pain using cranks in the 20.5%-21.6% of inseam length range almost universally report no new knee pain with the longer cranks. We are choosing a length that is in keeping with the length that champion cyclists use relative to their leg length, so your knee and hip angles will be no tighter than theirs, and your percentage of extension and flexion of your muscles will also be no greater. So mechanically, there is no reason you’d have more knee pain.Lower cadence is often associated with knee pain, but that is without changing crank length. If you pedal at a lower cadence but have more leverage, the peak load can be the same. If you pull a stuck nail out of a board with short claw hammer, you feel more strain in your arm than if you pull it out using the claw on the end of a long crowbar.

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