This year – as a Team Zinn member – I’m going to regularly post short blogs about me and my Dolomite Ti’s advances towards my goals for this year.

I’ve been in a bit of a holding pattern – still riding regurlarly – but only enough really to keep a level of fitness up.  Work and Family have been a priority for the last year – so as needs must – cycling has taken a back seat.

But with things settling down to manageble levels at work – I’ve decided to set some goals and really get into it again…  (Family is still the biggest priority – but they will benifit from a fit Husband and Dad – so all good there).

So – I’ve set a couple of goals this year…

  1. A 4 hours 30 something ride at the 160km Taupo Cycle Challenge – in November.
  2. A 40km TT in under an hour – before the year is out.


These are lofty goals.  Both of them will be new personal bests.

I’m starting from a position of reasonable – but not spectacular – fitness.  And a bodywieght that’s about 10-15kg too much too much to achieve my goal at Taupo – which has a lot of hills in the first 80km and a biggish one at the 120km mark.  So I have a lot of work to do.  We are heading into Autumn down here in New Zealand – so I’ll be riding and training through our winter – so I can acheive these goals in our spring.

Along the way – I will race in road races and TT’s as much as I can fit in – and generally get involved as much as time allows in the local cycling scene here in Kapiti, New Zealand.

And it’ll all be on my beautiful custom Zinn Dolomite Ti bike – that I’m as excited about riding as the day I got it a few years back.


This is a photo of me racing a few weeks back (one of the only races I entered this summer) – I doctored the photo via snapseed as it helps to hide the weight 🙂 I’d been dropped when this photo was taken and in a world of hurt.  Good reminder that I need to work harder.

I’ll try to post a blog a couple of times a month about how I’m doing – or just cycling in general on my Zinn…

