The 2009 Rocky Mountain Bicycle Show was a great success for Zinn Cycles. Many tall riders who were unfamiliar with our bikes and cranks became educated on Zinn products. We displayed a XXL-Plus Megabike equipped with a Rohloff Hub, a Fassa Project Big custom magnesium road bike, a Stelvio World travel bike with four S&S couplers, and a Dolomite World travel bike with four couplers and a coupled stem. We also showed off our new line of big and tall cycling clothing and the new Zinn-tegrated custom cranks.

Lennard discussing bikes with a 6'5" rider

Lennard discussing bikes with a 6'5" rider

Zinn Stelvio World Travel Bike with four S&S couplers for easier packing

Zinn Stelvio World Travel Bike with four S&S couplers for easier packing